Presence Centered
(Originally written November 20, 2021)
Copied from the Fire and Fragrance DTS Training Manual, YWAM, Kona.
Key Principle
We were created for intimacy. The language and outworking of intimacy is related to a vibrant life of prayer, worship, and the Word. These are the conversations that God has given us to deepen our fellowship with Him
We were not made to just do ministry, church, or go through the motions of Christianity. All of life was mean to flow from abiding in His presence. This is not just for those in full time ministry. Presence centered living is the privilege of every believer. The natural result of a life lived from the presence will be extravagance in every area of life.
Abiding in Christ: Living from Intimacy
We become a people who are fascinated with God
Psalm 27:4 -- "One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek, that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, that I may gaze upon His beauty and that I may see His presence."
What does it look like to restore this desire to first place in our lives above every other passion? What if our definition of success was wrapped up in this passage? The presence-centered life is first and foremost caught up with being "with" Him and loving Him.
Abiding Leads to Fruitfulness
God set up His kingdom in a way that He required intimacy in order to bear fruit. We have a propensity to want to get "stuff" done without allowing it to truly flow from a heart that is in love with Jesus. Ministry can get in the way of intimacy and this is not the kingdom.
"Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." -- John 15:4,5
"As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you. Now remain in my love. If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my father's commands and remain in His love." -- John 15:9,10
Bread of Life and Streams of Living Water
Jesus offers satisfaction to all of those that would come to Him. Not only will we be satisfied but we will have something to offer to the world around us. We will become to others what we have cultivated in our own hearts. All Jesus requires is that we come and that we believe.
"I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty." -- John 6:35
"Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them." -- John 7:37,38
Mary and Martha
The issue was not Martha working hard. The issue was the she had disconnected her heart from Jesus in the midst of her work. Many of the greatest of heroes of the faith "worked" hard for the Lord. Yet they were doing their work out of a heart that was deeply connected to and abiding in Christ. Martha's issue was that she was worried and upset. Not that she was making dinner.
"Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many thing, but few things are needed or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her." -- Luke 10:41,42
Alabaster Jar: Extravagant Love
Worship, prayer, and obedience from a place of faith and encounter.
Mark 14 tells the story of a woman wasting a years income on one act of extravagant love. She was ridiculed by the disciples and validated by Jesus. This is the only time in the scripture that an event is associated with traveling as widespread as the gospel.
"Truly I tell you, wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her." -- Mark 14:9
Belief Tree
Beliefs: I am a child of God, I was made for communion with Him, He is a God who draws near, He is faithful, He is love.
Values: Deep personal relationship/friendship with Him, hearing God's voice, integrity, honor, faith.
Choices: Scheduling in quiet time (going to bed early), attending prayer sets, signing up for software on your computer for purity.
Fruit: Vibrant quiet times, prayer, fasting, worship.
When we try to deal with the fruit first it can become legalistic and more like a task than a relationship.
If you are having a hard time in your quiet time, look at the roots first and see if there are any areas of unbelief or shame there that are making you produce the fruit you see in your life.
Look at the choices you are mailing or weekly making. Do you need to adjust them? Are your decisions reflecting your values? (Can you tell by your schedule what you prioritize?)
What Happens When We Don't Cultivate Intimacy With God?
We are not rooted in truth
We are not cultivating a relationship and we begin to be independent
We forget the promises of God
We lose perspective
We begin to doubt
We start to lean on our own understanding, our own human wisdom
What does that translate to in our lives?
Insecurities start to manifest
Fear can begin to infiltrate your life
Doubt of God's goodness begins making sense to you
Your emotions and what you feel begin to seem more like truth that the Word
Spirit grows dull
Temptations seem more enticing, little compromises don't seem like that big of a deal
What's at stake? What happens when a generation stops finding themselves in the presence of God?
We need you to spend time with God - we need what is inside of every individual. It's what makes up the body - if we don't have your part we are missing the full picture.
Your future family needs you to be in the presence
Your future place of influence needs you in the presence.
The Enemy Prowls Around Like a Lion Waiting to Devour Us
What are his tactics? They usually aren't big. They are simple, small, almost imperceptible at times.
Doubting that it really makes a difference (sleep in, no longer term perspective, quiet time becoming optional with no clear purpose)
Doubting you hear God's voice (why would you spend time with Him if you can't even hear Him?)
Shame or condemnation that would keep you from him (life of David)
Busyness (priorities are out of order)
Earning and striving (self-righteousness) instead of relationship
Areas of Application
The opposite of abiding is to work for our own reputation, glory, or to try and earn God's approval.
The opposites of extravagant love could be: fear of man, self-focus, rigid-religion, or distraction related to small compromises.
The breakthrough is often related to real revelation and a freedom created than our hindrances. A culture of extravagance doesn't need prodding, props, the masses, or a perfect setting. We become servants to our revelation and love cannot be held back any longer.
Areas of Consideration
Faith in intercession flows from the presence centered life
Luke 18 gives us the parable of the unjust judge. If justice is granted by unjust judges to nagging widows how much more will our heavenly father release breakthrough to his loving sons and daughters? But He is looking for faith. Faith that He hears and moves on behalf of consistent prayer.
A love for the word is critical to creating and sustaining a life in the presence
Psalm 119 is a display of David's love and value for the word of God. The word is designed to keep us in the river of delights. It is impossible to sustain a presence centered life outside of a regular commitment to a life in the word of God.