
I have been blessed beyond measure to be a part of the team working with the witchdoctors. When I had first heard of these young men practicing witchcraft I asked God to give me His heart for them. What happened next I did not expect. Every morning during worship I would weep for them. My heart would be filled with a compassion that I had never experienced before, and the only result was to weep in intercession. God gave us a clear strategy to reach these men, and so we formed our team and set out…

When we arrived one weekend to visit the witchdoctors the local church elders tried to stop us; they advised us not to go for they feared for our safety. Some of the elders even called us hot-headed because we were unrelenting in our desire to go. What they didn’t know is that we were big-hearted, not big headed. We spent the week fasting and praying for these men and we received clear words from Holy Spirit about what to do, so we went.

When we arrived they wanted to challenge us; “I hope you brought your best, because we aren’t going to hold back from the spirits that we summon.” 

As we walked to their shrines I pulled one of the men aside and I looked him dead in the eyes and said: “I’m sorry. You thought we were here to fight you and your demons. We aren’t here to fight you, we’re here to fight for you. Let us show you the Love of the Father.” 

They didn’t know what to do with this response. Confusion set it. Our team took out a guitar and began to worship. The witchdoctors prepared themselves for their incantations. Nothing was working. The Spirit of God was too near. Finally the one I had pulled aside said, “Enough. You pick one person to sit with me, one-on-one, and answer my questions and read to me from the Bible. If the Words you are saying are true, we will listen.” 

Our team gathered and prayed asking Holy Spirit to give clear direction who the “one” person would be to talk to this man. The team unanimously heard that I was the person.

For over an hour I sat in the dirt with the witchdoctor. I read to him the Word of God, answering all of his questions with Scripture. He told me many things that he has done, evil things, and I looked at him, tears in my eyes, and told him that there is a God in heaven who longs to forgive him, and is calling him to Himself. In less than two hours he was convinced that the Spirit inside of me was greater than the spirits he serves.

While they have not yet made a decision to follow Jesus, they continually tell us that we have “done an un-defeatable job; we have showed them that the Spirit we serve is greater than theirs.” We go every day and read to them from the Gospels answering all of their questions and teaching them the Ways of God. 

This summary of our time with them is just the highlights - we have video updates as well that will eventually be available on our youtube channel. 


Journal Entry: Caroline


Culture Shock