Journal Entry: Caroline

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Wow, it’s February already. We leave Uganda in exactly 21 days. We have 18 days left in Mityana, and only 15 days left of ministry. I can’t believe outreach is almost over. I felt so out of place when we first got here and really wondered if I’d make it, or if our family would. But here we are doing well and not just surviving, but thriving.

Culture shock and stress has subsided. We’ve been pressing in. Ministry has become fruitful because of our intimacy with the Lord. Meeting for worship and intercession each morning has become a joy. I look forward to it greatly! It’s not a chore or an item to check off the list before breakfast. I also look forward to gathering at night to debrief and pray. I really enjoy living in such a close-knit community. 

What happens when outreach is done? We are unrecognizable from the family who left Ohio. Heck, we a different family than the one who left Kona. It will be good to visit family and friends, but I will be excited to go back to Kona. I love choosing daily to follow You, Lord. Some days are really tough. But You’re always worth it. I trust you, Lord.

I’m beginning to understand what it means to confidently move forward in faith and living from a place of intimacy. I can laugh without fear of the future. I dance and speak without fear, and without great preparation. It’s easier than ever to hear Your voice and to listen and obey. 

Last week was our best week so far in ministry. It was sweet. We fought together along with You. We listened to You. We obeyed. Much of it seemed disjointed or separate, but we didn’t care - we trusted You. I believe You watched us smiling, saying, “Watch this, Children! Watch what beauty comes out of your faithfulness.” 

It all came together at the end. Three witchdoctors came to You and renounced the devil. Joseph reconciled with his wife and she came to know You. Altars and shrines to the enemy were smashed and burned.

We prayed for restored marriages. We prayed and loved these people into the Kingdom. You did it! You delivered them from demons! How awesome it is to look back at our prayers and see specifically how we partnered with You to accomplish all that has happened. You spoke. We listened. And Your Spirit came and did a mighty work. Thank You for choosing our team to partner with You in all that happened! 


Culture Shock, Pt. 2: Coming Home

